Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lps, which includes o-antigen, core polysaccharide ...

As gram-negative gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial cell wall composed of peptidoglycan and phospholipid bilayer membranes covering the protein. However, gram-negative bacteria have a unique outer membrane, a thin layer of peptidoglycan and periplazmaticheskoho space between cell wall and membrane. In the outer membrane of gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), plunge channels and lipoprotein mureyn all gram-positive bacteria lacking. Unlike gram-positive cells, Gram-negative cells are resistant to penicillin and lysozyme attack. Gram-negative outer membrane which contains LPS, endotoxin, blocks antibiotics, dyes, detergents and protecting sensitive internal membrane and cell wall. LPS is important in membrane transport Gram-negative bacteria. LPS, which includes O-antigen, core polysaccharide and lipid coat on the surface of cells and works to exclude large hydrophobic compounds such as salts of bile acids and antibiotics from invading cells. O-antigen carbohydrate chains of hydrophilic long (up to 50 sugars in length) that extend from the outer membrane with lipids (fatty acids) anchors LPS to the outer strattera 25mg membrane. Spirochete (spiral) - causes syphilis, Lyme disease

Neisseria (cocci) -. The causes meningococcus, gonorrhea >> <<

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